Friday, September 28, 2007

AP Vector Labs

I was very disappointed in one particular aspect of the performance on the vector lab. Despite explicit instructions to find the vector sum of A+B graphically and also find A+B+C graphically only a handfull of reports showed both operations. They should be done on separate sheets.

The purpose of the lab was to provide exercises that would allow you to understand the validity of the head to tail method and more importantly get a hands on intuitive feel for adding vectors other than simple displacements. Please be more conscientious in the future.

Honors and Mathematical Freefall labs

For your free fall labs , you should plot the cumulative distance vs time, the velocity vs time, and the acceleration vs time. You should discuss the shape of your curves and whether or not they met your expectations.

Find the acceleration from your data and from your velocity graph (think about how you find acceleration from the velocity graph). Does think acceleration match your expectations? Is it about g?

This is an informal or minilab so follow the guidance in your course guide.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Honors Graphing Data

Here is the link for the velocity graph and data table for your assignment.

Please plot the position time. Remember that the total change in position is the total area between the velocity curve and the v=0 axis.

Think about what you should do when the curve is beneath the axis - does the area in this region represent a negative change in position?


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mathematical Physics Revised Schedule for Unit 2

Here is the link for the revised, and much easier to live with Unit 2 Schedule.


AP Physics Vector Lab

For your vector lab, write a mini lab (informal lab). The purpose of the lab is to determine if the head to tail graphical method of vector addition works. To do this use the fact that if an object, in this case the knot at the junction of the strings ( the middle of the "Y" ), is not accelerating, the sum of the forces on it must be zero. Therefore, the vector sum of the three forces must be zero (for each force the direction is given by its section of string, magnitude given by its scale) .

Draw A + B and see what its resultant equals Then, on a separate sheet, draw A+B+C and see what its resultant equals. Make sure that when you, for example, add vector B to vector A's head, you keep B's direction and magnitude constant, etc.

Explain if the resultants are what you expected based on what you know about the sum of the forces, and if not , why not ( error analysis).

While you are at it, make sure your discussion answers all the questions on the lab sheet.

Honors Physics Graphs

For Monday, please have your position (column B) vs time and velocity (Column D) vs time graphs completed. Remember A vs B means that the A axis is the vertical axis. Also keep in mind that if your timer was set for 1/60 of a second and you were to choose every third dot as a data point, your time interval would be 3/60 = 1/20th of a second. If you used every fourth point your time interval is 1/15 sec; etc. Choose scales so that graph will nearly fill the page.

When you draw the line on your graphs, choose a smooth curve that follows the trend of the data, NOT a jagged line that connects the dots. For velocity , see if a straight line follows the trend of the data pretty well.

Think about how you would use a tangent line to find the slope of the position curve.

Put the words " read on the blog" on the top of your position graph for 5 extra credit points.

Mathematical Physics Graphs

Please have your position ( column B) vs time and velocity ( column D) vs time graphs from Friday's lab ready for Monday. We will use them for the basis of our discussions Monday. Remember then when you graph A vs B the A axis is the vertical axis. Do Not graph delta V Column E or acceleration (Column F) yet.

If you had the timer set at 10 hz (as you should have), your time interval was 1/10 = .1 seconds. Also, choose scales so that graphs will nearly fill the page. If the page is 30 boxes wide let each time interval ( each .1 seconds) be two boxes. If your maximum distance is 70 cm and the page is 80 boxes high, let each cm be one box.

Put the words " read on the blog" on on the top of your position graph for 5 extra credit points.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Honors Unit 2 Schedule

here is the schedule for Unit 2 1 D Motion

Make sure you keep up with the Homework.

Mathematical Unit 2 Schedule

Here is the schedule for the new unit:


Monday, September 17, 2007

AP Unit 2 Schedule

Sorry folks but I could not get the schedule into the last post so here it is now:


Sunday, September 16, 2007

AP Unit 2 2 D motion

Here are schedule and materials for Unit 2 2D Motion, but to keep checking for revisions, and perhaps even solutions to some problems.






Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Honors link to Fusion reading

Here is a link to the complete file for the Hoffman Fusion paper. The hard copy you received in class does not include the last several pages. This uploaded version runs 17 pages. Check your schedule to see which you are required to read, but reading the entire paper is not a bad idea.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Honors Unit 1 Review Worksheet

Here is a link to the Unit 1 Review Worksheet that includes the second page.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Heat and Energy Conversion

Here is a link to some notes on Heat and Energy Conversion I would like Honors and Mathematical classes to read. I believe most honors students have these already. Thye tie into the controlled fusion power theme.

For mathematical class students, these notes provide a brief introduction into energy and how we use heat to produce electricity.


Sunday, September 9, 2007

Seniors seeking college recs

If you are going to ask me for a recommendation ( clearly you like to live dangerously; don't really want to get into a college: or are so overconfident that you think anything I write won't keep them from admitting you), now is the time to send me an email to that effect. I, in turn, will send you an email telling you what I need from you. If you are going early decision, etc. or applying to a school with rolling admissions you must get the material to me by October 5.

Mathematical Physics Unit 1 Revision

Here is a link to the revised schedule for Unit 1 . It corrects some errors about what is to be covered during this Unit.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Mathematical Physics Math Review Sheet

Here is the link to the review sheet you are assigned to read over the weekend. Of course, it wouldn't be a bad idea to read it tonight.


Honors Physics Math Review Sheet revision

Here is the link to a revised math review sheet. The old one had a few typos. The one that mattered most was on page 3 it should have show m =(m/s) x s; NOT m= mx(m/s)


Lab Safety Sheets and Course Guide Signature Sheets


Lab safety sheets were in the out folders for each class. Have them signed and returned no later than class on Monday.

Course Guide signature sheets should be placed in the in folder for your class by class Friday.

Honors Assignment

In addition ot what is on the Unit Schedule, please summarize our experiment on circular motion. Cover what you did, what forces your felt, and your conclusion about the direction of the forces on you. Turn this in to the in folder on Friday.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Important earlier posts

Folks, go check my posts from this summer about scholarships and outside opportunities for learning science. Also make sure you see posted Honors and AP Unit schedules

Mathematical Physics Schedule is Coming

Folks in my mathematical physics class, please don't feel left out. I need to consult with Mr. Florance before I create your unit 1 schedule. I know how upset you are because you do not having mounds of homework yet so Iwill do my best to supply you with all the work you've been hoping for soon.

AP Physics Unit 1 Math Worksheet

Here is Unit 1 WS-1, a set of math problems you have been asssigned. Also, check out the post for Honors math review. Their math review sheet (not the worksheet) may also be of help to you.


Honors Physics math review and math work sheets

Here are math review sheets and worksheets you will need:




Welcome to my blog. This will be a key method for communication with my 2007-8 students. Anything that will apply to groups of students, classes as a whole, etc. will probably be posted here. For more individual communication, email works best.

If you send an email to my school email address by Friday, telling me you read the blog you will receive 5 points of extra credit.

Also, see earlier posts for information on physics and specifically for Unit1 Honors and AP schedules.