Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mathematical Physics Graphs

Please have your position ( column B) vs time and velocity ( column D) vs time graphs from Friday's lab ready for Monday. We will use them for the basis of our discussions Monday. Remember then when you graph A vs B the A axis is the vertical axis. Do Not graph delta V Column E or acceleration (Column F) yet.

If you had the timer set at 10 hz (as you should have), your time interval was 1/10 = .1 seconds. Also, choose scales so that graphs will nearly fill the page. If the page is 30 boxes wide let each time interval ( each .1 seconds) be two boxes. If your maximum distance is 70 cm and the page is 80 boxes high, let each cm be one box.

Put the words " read on the blog" on on the top of your position graph for 5 extra credit points.

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