Sunday, September 23, 2007

Honors Physics Graphs

For Monday, please have your position (column B) vs time and velocity (Column D) vs time graphs completed. Remember A vs B means that the A axis is the vertical axis. Also keep in mind that if your timer was set for 1/60 of a second and you were to choose every third dot as a data point, your time interval would be 3/60 = 1/20th of a second. If you used every fourth point your time interval is 1/15 sec; etc. Choose scales so that graph will nearly fill the page.

When you draw the line on your graphs, choose a smooth curve that follows the trend of the data, NOT a jagged line that connects the dots. For velocity , see if a straight line follows the trend of the data pretty well.

Think about how you would use a tangent line to find the slope of the position curve.

Put the words " read on the blog" on the top of your position graph for 5 extra credit points.

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