Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Honors Homework and Sample Fuel Use Calculation

For tomorrow, complete all the calculations posted for you starting last Thursday. Also review the derivation of the elastic collision posted on Decemeber 4.

Here is a sample fuel use calculation

A power plant produces 500,000,000 watts of power. It produces power with an efficiency of 40%? How much deuterium and tritium (DT) fuel does it use in 1 hour?

It produces 500,000,000 J/s x 3600 s/hr = 1.8E12 J/hr. [ E12 means x10 to the 12th] To do this at 40 % efficiency means it uses about 1.8E12J/.4 = 4.5E12 of fuel energy per hour.

Each reaction produces 17.5 Mev which equals 17.5 x1.6 E-13(J/Mev)= 2.8E-12J

Therefore plant needs 4.5E12(J/hr) divided by 2.8E-12 J/reaction = 1.6E24 reactions per hour.

Each reaction uses 2 nuclei, one containing two nucleons and one containing three nucleons, for a total of 5 nucleons per reaction. This comes out to 5 x 1.67 kg per reaction. You are now on your own to calculate kg of fuel used per hour.

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