Sunday, December 9, 2007

Honors Unit 6A Energy production

In this unit we will determine the energy used by the US. We will then relatethis to the amount of fuel of various types that are required. We will then explore the reactions resulting in energy production particularly fusion and the required collisions between nuclei.

For Monday review all the fusion notes and the notes on heat and energy conversion.

Also do the following:
If 1 W = 1J/s and 1kW = 1000W then find:
how many J in 1 kW hour.

How many J do you use in 1 year if your house uses an average of 2 kW ( 31.5 million sec/yr)

If power is generated with 33% efficiency how many J of fuel energy is required?

if 1 eV = 1.6 x10-19 J how many eV in a kWh?

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