Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Honors Practice Problem #9

The torques = F per arm times distance of arm from axis of rotation x 2 arms per turn x # of turns.

Using force per arm = ILxB I get F = 2X.125 X.048 = .012

Distance to axis of rotation = 1/2 a side = .125/2

torque = .012 x .125/2 x 2 arms x 75 turns = =.00075 x 2 x75 = .12 Nm or answer C [ not D]. Check me and see if you agree.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Honors Quiz and Homework

Quiz on magnetic fields and magnetic induction will be Thursday.

Homework, or the lack of it is becoming alarming. The next step will be messages home.

Permanent Magnet Lab

Unless you have received a specific waiver from me, such as because of absence and need to do the lab, the last day to turn in your "strength of a permanent magnet" and receive any credit for it is Wednesday. See the post from 4/25 for details about your report


The answers to MC #1 have been removed

Sunday, April 27, 2008

AP Modern Physics

Here is  a more recent version of the summary of modern physics. 

Note that the Davisson Germer experiments involved electrons beams incident on crystals and scattering off  them (not electrons passing through slits)  in ways that showed wavelike interference patterns, confirming de Broglie's hypothesis about particles behaving like waves.

AP Tests and solutions

The good news is that several of you got high or perfect scores on the refraction problem.  Unfortunately that is all the good news.  

Adding a weight on top of a piston adds to the original pressure and compresses the gas. If the gas cylinder is in a water bath of fixed temperature, the gas temperature does not change appreciably, i.e. the processes are isothermal. Since T doesn't change then PxV is constant so 
Vnew = Vold x (Pold/Pnew). 

If the pressure, P, is held constant during a process, its isobaric and since PV = nRT and n and R didn't change  we have 1= Vnew x P /(nrTnew) = Vold x P /(nRTold). Canceling  n and R, multiplying by Tenw and cancelling the Ps which are equal in isobaric processes, we get 
Vnew  = Vold x (Tnew/Told)

No one seems to know how to use a volt meter despite having taken over 100 measurements with voltmeters. [You do not insert voltmeters in series with circuit elements. They measure the voltage difference across an element, i.e. the potential difference ( also known as the voltage difference)  between two different points in a circuit.]

Some of you seem to think that a single deuterium nucleus has a mass of 2 kg. An atomic mass unit is 1.66E-27 kg not 1 kg. Most of you never got that far.  

Here are somewhat rough  solutions for all of FR 2001. We will go over MC 1 in class tomorrow.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Honors and Mathematical Magnet Lab and Homework

Your lab reports are due Monday. This is a formal lab. The purpose was to measure the strength of the permanent magnet. Describe the process and the method used to find NI and B pm carefully. Then give your results. The manufacturer claims a strength of about .5 T so the error was very large. Try your best to really analyze this.

Mathematical: all Unit 13 homework is due Monday or never. Also, no more Friday breaks unless all homework is in Monday except practice problems which are due on Tuesday.

Note to Honors and Mathematical DO ALL practice problems except #5 which is extra credit.

Mathematics Quiz

Yesterday I posted a request for you to return your currents lab quizzes from last Tuesday. I received none.

If I do not get them back on Monday you will lose significant points.

AP Students Schedules

Send me your AP test schedules immediately. I MUST know what days you will be out the first full week of May.

The recent test results indicate we have a great deal of work to do and some of it must be done outside class hours.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rutgers Astrophysics and Columbia Honors Science

The Rutgers astrophysics program is a great opportunity to do real research using the same data that leading astrophysicist are using to analyze super nova explosions, black holes and other sources of very high energy emissions in space.  Here is a chance to do real science with close contact and support of faculty in a way that only graduate students usually benefit from. 

The Columbia Science saturday is another really valuable program that you science types should consider seriously. You can find links to both on this download


Mathematics Quiz

I need to confirm the grades for the quiz from this past Tuesday. Please turn them back in tomorrow and remind your classmates to do so.


Dr. Cherdack

AP Objectives, Homework and Tests

You are missing four pages from your objectives handout. 2 pages following 13 , a page following 16 and a page following 20. When you pick them up tomorrow note where they go on your current pages and fasten the additions to the end of your package.

Your homework for tonight includes a description of the photoelectric effect. You should provide a general description, what major aspect of modern physics it demonstrates and discuss the quantities: stopping voltage, work function, threshold frequency, electron kinetic energy, and how they are related. Show a typical stopping voltage vs frequency graph. It must be legible. It will count as 5 points toward your quarter grade!

There will be a practice AP test tomorrow. It will be multiple choice or free response. It will comprise 50 % to 60 % of the real thing.

In addition you will receive one free response and one MC as homework for the weekend. You will receive additional practice tests in school and for homework and in class next week. When you identify your weak spots come in for extra help.

Particularly for Free Response Tests, you must not STOP. You must try to solve them. There will be no one to ask on exam day. You can start a problem without knowing all the steps to complete it. What you have to do for step 2 may not occur to you until you try step 1.ALWAYS write the question, usually in the form of : quantity wanted =?. Thn write the given information. Then write the relationships between given and wanted quantities. Often there will be additional unknowns in the relationship between given and wanted, but there will usually be other relationships to get you from the given to these additional unknowns.

As an example, you need to find acceleration. You are given distance and initial and final speed but not time. a = (vf-vi)/delta t. d is given but delta t is unknown. Find delta t from delta t = d/vavg using vavg from (vi+vf)/2. Three steps to find a but you can do it. [Some of you might use a =(vfsqrd-visqrd)/2d but that is beside the point here]

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

AP Lens Lab

Nicole, Ryan, and Kuba should come in tomorrow before school to redo the last two steps of the lens lab.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Labs for All

AP Lens labs are now overdue. You have one more day to get them in or nothing.

Current labs Honors and Mathematical, Thursday or lose points, and by Friday or not at all.

Monday, April 21, 2008

AP Unit 15 Modern Physics

Here is the link to our latest schedule. We will cover this in a whirlwind pace.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Honors and Mathematical Units on Magnetics

Here are links for Unit 13, Magnetics. Use Monday to finish the currents lab, but make sure you do the notes and book reading and Homework for Tuesday. Note that Practice problems 5 and 11 are both extra credit problems. Do them on separate sheets and mark them clearly as extra credit.





AP Modern Physics Notes

Here is a link to the notes on modern physics. Read them this weekend. Use the summary to study from. Also, be prepared for a MC AP test.



Thursday, April 17, 2008


ALL PROJECTS MUST BE REMOVED BY FRIDAY AFTERNOON. ANYTHING LEFT WILL BE DISCARDED OR SIEZED and YOU WILL LOSE CREDIT from your 4th quarter grade, unless I have told you I want to keep it (e.g the pink launcher.)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Honors Corrected answers to practice problems

Somehow the answers to the practice problems got mislabeled . I have corrected that now. The correct answers for the problems are now on the schedule so you can use the previously posted link to get them.

In any case the correct answers for the first ten are:

1. 25 Ohms

2. (a) 30 W (b) 480 W

3. $12.10

4. C

5. C

6. C

7. E

8. A

9. B

10. D

The table after 10 should be labeled 11.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mathematical Practice Problem Answer Corrections

The answers have been corrected to reflect the changes I made to the questions. The old schedule link will now lead to the corrected document. Please either download the new answers or correct the ones on your old practice problems manually.

Monday, April 14, 2008

AP Snel's Law Lab

The Snel's Law Lab must be in by Wednesday for any credit, by tomorrow for full credit.

AP Worksheet for 14B

Here is the missing link. No not the one between Afarensis and Cro-Magnon, the Unit 14 B worksheet



If you are not planning to present, please remove your project as soon as possible from 506.

In many cases your 3rd quarter project will form the basis for your 4th quarter project so don't destroy it.

Honors Currents Quiz

Due to disruptions to classes Tuesday there will be a short quiz on currents on Thursday. We will spend Tuesday and Wednesday working on review and a currents lab.

Great Adventure

About 20 students did not sign up for the Great Adventure on 5/28/08. At this time we can accept additional registrations provided the $50 payment is in cash. If you want to go get your permission slip and payment in to me ASAP.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lab Status for Honors and Mathematical


Makeup Tests and Quizzes

If I do not hear from those students I will assume a zero for the test will be acceptable to you.

AP Materials on Light

Here is the Unit 14 B schedule and some useful notes which you are required to read.

Problem sheet for geometrical optics






Mathematics Scheule for Unit 12

Here is the new schedule and don't pretend you didn't see it.


Honors Unit 12 Practice Problems.

The answer sheet needs correction. Answer 1 is 25 ohms. answer 2 30 ohms and 480 W, answer 3 is $12.10

Monday, April 7, 2008

Honors Schedule Link

The proper link is now in place here and in the prior post


AP Retests Etc

The following student must take a test on Waves and Oscillations Wednesday 202904

The following students can take the retest: 93789, 91976, 200113.

Contact me ASAP

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Revised Honors Schedule

Here is our schedule for Unit 11 currents all about moving charges.


Additional Makeup

my records show 202264 needs a quiz on oscillations

Mathematical Physics

My records show the following people require makeup tests:

93361 oscillations quiz, sound and wave quiz, electric potential test

200699 oscillations quiz

Honors Section 2 ( Period 4) Makeups and Labs

1) My records show the following people must take makeups. E mail me tonight or speak to me 3rd period tomorrow

91605 oscillations quiz
300481 projectile motion quiz

2) I have only 2 field labs in hand now. Have you turned them in or do you still have  to complete the lab? Let me know by tomorrow 3rd period

Honors Section 1 Second period

My records currently show the following people must take make up quizzes or tests. You must email me tonight or see me tomorrow about this.

90999 and 203539 projectile motion quiz

202460: wavespeed quiz and wave and oscillations test

91470 and 91110: oscillations quiz

91105 wavespeed quiz:


Honors Assignment

Do Chapter 17 problem 67 like you mean it. Do Chapter 18 problem 31 like it is being graded, it is.

Read 694 -699 and answer  1, 3 and 4 on 699.

There will be more posts on makeup tests etc. Watch this blog

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Honors Labs

Here is a link to what my records show for your labs. I do not have any honors labs in my possession right now. If a box shows a date with sm or rs you have not received a grade yet and you must resubmit the lab after checking with notes on the blog and seeing me if necessary.
If there is no date, I have no record of ever receiving the lab. Let me know immediately if there are any errors. Bring your lab in to show me your grade.
