Thursday, April 24, 2008

AP Objectives, Homework and Tests

You are missing four pages from your objectives handout. 2 pages following 13 , a page following 16 and a page following 20. When you pick them up tomorrow note where they go on your current pages and fasten the additions to the end of your package.

Your homework for tonight includes a description of the photoelectric effect. You should provide a general description, what major aspect of modern physics it demonstrates and discuss the quantities: stopping voltage, work function, threshold frequency, electron kinetic energy, and how they are related. Show a typical stopping voltage vs frequency graph. It must be legible. It will count as 5 points toward your quarter grade!

There will be a practice AP test tomorrow. It will be multiple choice or free response. It will comprise 50 % to 60 % of the real thing.

In addition you will receive one free response and one MC as homework for the weekend. You will receive additional practice tests in school and for homework and in class next week. When you identify your weak spots come in for extra help.

Particularly for Free Response Tests, you must not STOP. You must try to solve them. There will be no one to ask on exam day. You can start a problem without knowing all the steps to complete it. What you have to do for step 2 may not occur to you until you try step 1.ALWAYS write the question, usually in the form of : quantity wanted =?. Thn write the given information. Then write the relationships between given and wanted quantities. Often there will be additional unknowns in the relationship between given and wanted, but there will usually be other relationships to get you from the given to these additional unknowns.

As an example, you need to find acceleration. You are given distance and initial and final speed but not time. a = (vf-vi)/delta t. d is given but delta t is unknown. Find delta t from delta t = d/vavg using vavg from (vi+vf)/2. Three steps to find a but you can do it. [Some of you might use a =(vfsqrd-visqrd)/2d but that is beside the point here]

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