Sunday, April 27, 2008

AP Tests and solutions

The good news is that several of you got high or perfect scores on the refraction problem.  Unfortunately that is all the good news.  

Adding a weight on top of a piston adds to the original pressure and compresses the gas. If the gas cylinder is in a water bath of fixed temperature, the gas temperature does not change appreciably, i.e. the processes are isothermal. Since T doesn't change then PxV is constant so 
Vnew = Vold x (Pold/Pnew). 

If the pressure, P, is held constant during a process, its isobaric and since PV = nRT and n and R didn't change  we have 1= Vnew x P /(nrTnew) = Vold x P /(nRTold). Canceling  n and R, multiplying by Tenw and cancelling the Ps which are equal in isobaric processes, we get 
Vnew  = Vold x (Tnew/Told)

No one seems to know how to use a volt meter despite having taken over 100 measurements with voltmeters. [You do not insert voltmeters in series with circuit elements. They measure the voltage difference across an element, i.e. the potential difference ( also known as the voltage difference)  between two different points in a circuit.]

Some of you seem to think that a single deuterium nucleus has a mass of 2 kg. An atomic mass unit is 1.66E-27 kg not 1 kg. Most of you never got that far.  

Here are somewhat rough  solutions for all of FR 2001. We will go over MC 1 in class tomorrow.


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