Tuesday, October 7, 2008

a =F/Mass Labs

I am sure many of you are confused about the graphing for this lab so here is some clarification

1) Your horizontal axis really is  1/mass.  The scale should run from zero to about 1.7. The units should be (1/kg). The trial with the greatest mass, probably about 2.1 kg, is your first point. It should be plotted at about .47 for the horizontal coordinate. With luck it will be about .46 m/s2 for  the vertical coordinate.  The last point should be your lightest run. Its horizontal coord should be about 1.67 (1/kg) and the vertical coord should be about 1.6 m/s2. Note that you may have your acceleration in cm/s2. Too convert this  to m/s2  simply divide by 100.

2) Only for those who have spark tape data. 
For the tape data just do  a plot of the tape data  as a position vs time graph. 

I am afraid that the tape may have spoiled you first run. If it did, treat the first run as bad data and don't try to fit that point in your best fit line graph of a vs 1/m.

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