Sunday, January 25, 2009

Honors Equation and Definition sheet and one comment

1)Here it isBold
If you end up with any silly boxes, highlight them, convert to symbol font and read the Greek letters, and then ask yourself why Bill Gates is a success.

2) I received one question about problem 10 about the elevator. Note g is  a number not a vector ; it is +10 ( 9.8 for labs etc.) N/kg  or m/s2. 
Fg is  a vector; it points downward and equals - Mg if up is +. Therefore when subtracting Fg from both sides of Fscale + Fg = Ma we get Fscale = Ma+ Mg and again g is 10 NOT -10.  a may be negative of course remember sign is direction not necessarily an indication of getting bigger or smaller. [vectors, F and a, are boldface]

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