Thursday, January 8, 2009

Honors Review Package

I have been grading some of the break review packages and

1) There is still an absolutely appalling level of confusion about averages and differences. About half of you still think vavg = (vf-vi)/2. Get over this averages have nothing ( or almost nothing) to do with differences. Some of you seem to think you can find acceleration by taking the average velocity and dividing by the time. This of course could give you a substantial acceleration while v is constant. THIS IS NONESENSE. Delta does not mean average; average does not mean difference! YOU MUST GET THIS RIGHT IMMEDIATELY.

2) In trying to generate solution sets for three packages in one night ( while dealing with a tablet that insisted in scrolling past the page I was working on) a few mistakes crept in. For #20 the answer is b, 1 sec. For #30.b the answer is 2.4E6 m/s ( I didn't take the sqrt of the 5.76). For #44 the KE total after the collsion should be 4.5 E-15 andthe difference in KE should be 4.5 E-15 - 6.68 E-15 = -2.2E-15 J. Iwill try o upload the new solutions so the existing link posted Monday will give you corrected set.

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