Friday, February 27, 2009

Honors and AP

In general, labs have the general purpose of exploring relationships amongst physical phenomena and the quantities we measure about them. However labs also usually have a specific purpose of demonstrating the correctness of some theory we developed. For examples:

Centripetal force lab was to demonstrate that ac = omega squared x r
components lab was to see if FG// = MG cos theta vertical
The AP lab on standing waves was to have demonstrated that c = sqrt(FT/mu). This was to be done by seeing if sqrt(FT/mu) /lambda = f. We ( should) know that f= 60 Hz, the standard for electric power throughout the US so the slope of the cvs lambda curve should = 60. Any departure from 60 Hz reppresents an error in either measurements of F mu or lamda or a problem with our theory.

Many of you found f from f = sqrt(FT/mu) /lambda and then used that to get c from c =fxlambda. You then compared the c's and found them to be nearly the same.
This is circular reasoning. All you proved was that
(sqrt(FT/mu) / lambda) x lambda = sqrt(FT/mu)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Honors Notes on Magnetic Fields and Transport

Here is a first draft on the subject. A more complete set will be developed soon.

Honors Homework Review

Honors homework review sessions will be on the first two Tuesdays and the last two Wednesdays of each month, starting tomorrow. Room 506 2:35.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Urgent AP Warning

Well maybe urgent is a bit over the top but:
Despite what the schedule says plan on the Unit 10 Quiz on Thursday!

Honors Assignments

Here is the schedule for the unit we have been working on: Currents and Magnetics

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Topics in Physics

Remember to read through part 5 on Cosmology almost w/o General Relativity. Plan on a quiz!

AP Labs

AP Section 4 I need all your wave labs ( the giant slinky lab) back again. Please bring them Tuesday.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Honors Students

Section 3 will do a lab on magnetic fields and currents. Section 2 will review the test and then resume our work on the lab calculations.

All students: Great Lecture on Magnets and Superconductors

Here is an opportunity to attend a lecture by one of the leading physicists dealing with superconductivity and magnetism. Saturday, March 7, 2PM at Rutgers. We usually have a good turnout for these lectures. They are geared to the intelligent non-scientist and many Ridge students ( even semi normal ones) have attended and enjoyed them in the past.

It would make lots of sense for the magnet groups to attend.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

AP Waves Quiz

The quiz will focus on standing waves, resonance, loudness and intensity, beats, and Doppler shift.

Hope this helps you focus your studying.

Remember group reports are due Tuesday and it is last chance to hand in any Unit 9 homework for any credit.

Unit 10 Electrostatics

We will now study the forces between charged objects. We will begin with the study of the force created by stationary charges.

Honors Assignments

For Monday: read notes on currents and notes on derivations. Do currents worksheet 1.  For Tuesday Read Notes on Magnetics Rev.5 ( this a new and improved version) and do magnetics worksheetM.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

AP Labs

The standing wave lab can be informal

The air column lab requires you to fill in the sheet and answer all questions ( correctly if possible).

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Everyone Awards

Awards are available to juniors and seniors, some are very prestigious and some are pretty lucrative. Check Naviance ASAP for forms, etc.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Honors Magnetics

WE are about to move on to magnetics. Please read and understand pages 1 and 2. The magnetics and electric power people need to read and have a pretty good feel for all five pages by Friday. I'll also post the notes on mye Oncourse website ( homework events page) in case ripway has another outage.

Honors Assignment

Honors Section 3 is to analyze the circular motion of a uniform disk 11.11 kg in mass 2 meters in radius so I = 22.22. The disk is at theta =) and omega =0. A tangential force of 10 N is applied at the outer radius for 15 sec. Find alpha, omega final, theta final, Work done, KE final, and vtan final.

All this in addition to the schedule. Hah! That'll teach you

(at least I hope it will teach you something)

Honors Solutions to Sheet 3A

Rotational Problem Sheet 3 A solutions

1. f = ½ so mega = 2 pi x ½ = pi rad/s; vtan = omega r = 2 pi m/s;
ac = omega vtan = 2 (pi)sqrd

2. Mac = Mmoon omega sqrd r = F gravity = G Mp Mmoon/ rsqrd so

omega =sqrt (GMp/rcubed) = 5.77E-6 rad/s; T = 2pi/omega

3. a) at bottom lowest PE greatest KE; b) at bottom greatest vtan so greatest ac and also Fg is away from center and ac is up so FT = Mac + Mg

4. Mac = M vtan sqrd /r = Qvtan B so r = Mv/QB = 3.34E-27*3E6/(1.6E-19*5)

M ac = M omega vtan r = QvtanB so omega = QB/M = 1.6E-19*5/3.34E-27

5. a) omega = vtan/r = 1.5 rad /s b) ac = vtan sqrd/r = 18 m/s2 c) 65x18 =1170N up d) Fseat= Mac – Fg =1170 – - Mg = 1820 N up

Rutgers program

Please note that the previous post was made by an impostor. While all the information about the program was correct, the items about the meals were not. A fine dinner is much more what I had in mind.

The impostor also neglected to add that about five hours of prep time prior to March 27 is required and that we will be returning about 5:30 PM. So far, six students have already expressed interest, so hurry and let me know, if you would like to join us. We need to arrange a schedule for these prep sessions.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Opportunity to Participate in Particle Physics Research

Hello fellow physics scholars. On march 27th, we're going to participate in a conference about particle physics in Rutgers. There are only 5-6 special spots open for this special event. I will pick the scholars who will be accompanying me based on the number of brownies I receive. yes...i am the brownie monster (allusion from the cookie monster). The ones coming are also expected to buy me lunch.

Email me if you're interested.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


The site where I store assignments and notes is down.  Please see my Oncourse website for homework events for this past Friday where I have reposted the schedules and the worksheets. All this stuff should have been downloaded by last week anyway. 

AP students:Note the practice problems are part of the schedule document

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Honors Assignment

The previous post is a correction to a typo in the schedule. As discussed in class today your assignment for tonight is to investigate the topics related to your group's area as identified in the past two days. The Thursday night and weekend assignments on the schedule are now both due Monday.

Honors assignment correction

On the schedule Problems 291 3 and 4 SHOULD READ 294 3 and 4

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Honors Torque Advanced Assignment

Too many are missing, get them in tomorrow for them to count at all.

Honors Text Book correction

I know its hard to believe, but there is an error in your text. The mass of Pluto is NOT 5E23. Its 1.27 E22. I know you would weigh a lot less on Pluto than on earth. In fact going to Pluto is my fall back position for my weight loss program.

Monday, February 2, 2009

AP Notes on longitudinal waves

Here is a derivation of speed for waves that oscillate in direction of travel

Honors Revised Assignment

For tomorrow DO Problem SheetR-1 and Advanced assignment from the lab sheets ( note it covers both sides of the first sheet)

AP Extra credit

Using that for small angles phi =sin(phi) show that KE + PE is conserved for a pendulum where phi max is small. Omega = sqrt(g/L)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

AP Unit 9 Schedule Update

Here is the new, and pretty ambitious, schedule for Harmonic and Wave Motion. Note that the problem sheet and adding waves are not required. The adding waves notes is pretty advanced but worth it if you really want to understand interference and beats.

URGENT Honors and AP Meeting Reports

Meeting reports are missing from several individuals. This will affect your grade. How about 3 points for every one missing? It will be a shame to see As becoming Bs and Bs becoming Cs Will that stimulate you to do the right thing? AND FOR THE FINAL TIME: EACH STUDENT MUST SUBMIT HIS/HER OWN REPORT. Current miscreants (fewer than 4 reports in for AP and fewer than 3 for Honors) include Email me if you don't know which ones are missing, but you should know.
AP3: Jack Annie Charles both Patricks Melissa H Ben Jon Max Howard Derrick

AP 4 Aakil and Robert

Honors 2 Chris, Justina, Lauren, Sam (1), Grant, Kim

Honors 3  Sam Jay Ashli Rachel Sarah Jed Avni.

AP Homework Recitation

Homework sessions for AP classes will be held  starting this Monday at 2:35 PM in 506. Tentative days are Monday and Thursday. Please email me if you plan to come or if these days can't work and you would like the sessions to be other days instead.