Sunday, February 1, 2009

URGENT Honors and AP Meeting Reports

Meeting reports are missing from several individuals. This will affect your grade. How about 3 points for every one missing? It will be a shame to see As becoming Bs and Bs becoming Cs Will that stimulate you to do the right thing? AND FOR THE FINAL TIME: EACH STUDENT MUST SUBMIT HIS/HER OWN REPORT. Current miscreants (fewer than 4 reports in for AP and fewer than 3 for Honors) include Email me if you don't know which ones are missing, but you should know.
AP3: Jack Annie Charles both Patricks Melissa H Ben Jon Max Howard Derrick

AP 4 Aakil and Robert

Honors 2 Chris, Justina, Lauren, Sam (1), Grant, Kim

Honors 3  Sam Jay Ashli Rachel Sarah Jed Avni.

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