Friday, February 27, 2009

Honors and AP

In general, labs have the general purpose of exploring relationships amongst physical phenomena and the quantities we measure about them. However labs also usually have a specific purpose of demonstrating the correctness of some theory we developed. For examples:

Centripetal force lab was to demonstrate that ac = omega squared x r
components lab was to see if FG// = MG cos theta vertical
The AP lab on standing waves was to have demonstrated that c = sqrt(FT/mu). This was to be done by seeing if sqrt(FT/mu) /lambda = f. We ( should) know that f= 60 Hz, the standard for electric power throughout the US so the slope of the cvs lambda curve should = 60. Any departure from 60 Hz reppresents an error in either measurements of F mu or lamda or a problem with our theory.

Many of you found f from f = sqrt(FT/mu) /lambda and then used that to get c from c =fxlambda. You then compared the c's and found them to be nearly the same.
This is circular reasoning. All you proved was that
(sqrt(FT/mu) / lambda) x lambda = sqrt(FT/mu)

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