Saturday, January 2, 2010

Power Lab

Apparently some of you misunderstodd the power lab we did on Wednesday. It was not a makework time filler. You are to complete a report on it with data and discussing how you found work done (considering both the change in KE and in PE) and average power developed . You should compare the power generated at low and high speeds and with and without the backpack. The information you need was provided by the measurement of the height, the distance, the times. You also need the runner's mass and the backpack's mass (pick up the phone and call them if you need to). Remember 1 kg has a weight 2.205 pounds. You should also find the power in horsepower (hp). 1 hp = about 746 watts.

I'll be a softie, lets make it due Tuesday. [Honors Sect 2: we'll do the lab this week so the due date will be different for you]

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