Sunday, March 28, 2010

Honors Assignments

Your assignments come in 3 flavors
1 - worksheets and text assignments to prepare for thermo quiz on Thursday ( in school work and first text assignments)
2 - project oriented text assignments
3- start on your first project presentations ( which will be made next week).

Details are below

Honors Text Assignments:

1 - Thermo Quiz prep

All : Due 3/29 Reread all of Chapt 14 especially Sect 1,2,3 and 6.

Answer questions 17,21, do probs 21, 31, 37, 39, 42, 65 refer to your thermo schedule sheet for some of the equations you’ll need. For prob 42 see Heat Conductance Derivation (posted today)
and realize that

DQ/Dt = DT x conductance = DT / resistance and conductance = kA/L and resistance, R = (1/ conductance) = L/kA.

Study for thermodynamics quiz on heat transfer, processes, and cycles on 4/1

2- Project Text Assignments

Note you may have to read earlier chapters to understand the readings.

First Wall Groups:

Due 3/30 - Read Text Sect 9-5 Do Chapt 9 probs 38, 39,

Due 3/31 Read Sect 9-6 Do probs 49,51,45

Thermo groups:

Due 3/30 –Reread Text Chapt 15 Sect 1,2,4,. Do 1,3,5

Due 3/31 –Reread Text Chapt 15 Sect 5,6. Do problem 9,10, 17,23,35

Heating Group:

Due 3/30 Reread Chapt 16 Sect 1-10 don’t worry much about more than 1 direction ( i.e. 2D vectors).Do prob 5, 23 ,31,43.

Due 3/31 Reread Chapt 17 Sect 1 through 6 and 10. Do prob 1, 3, 65 ( find vy and use inverse tan to find theta.)

Magnet Groups:

Due 3/30 Reread Chapt 20 Sect 1 through 5. Do 1,7, 11,

Due 3/31 Reread Chapt 20 Sect 6 through 8 and 11, 12. Do49, 51 (really do it including explanations), 61

Generator Groups:

Due 3/30 Read Chapt 21 Sect 1 though 5. Do 1,5,11,16

Due 3/31 Read Chapt 21 Sect 7,9,10,11. Do 20, 25 ( read up on rms),39, 45.

Plasma Group:

Due 3/30 Read pg 872 –875 Read Chapt 10 Sect 1 through 3

Due 3/31 Read photocopied notes up through at least drifts.

Do following What is v drift for a deuterium nucleus with v perp = 3E6 m/s in a field of 5T into the page if the field strength changes by 1T per m to the left. Is it up or down? Find v drift for the same nucleus with v perp = 3E6 m/s if B = 4T into the page if there is an electric field of 20,000 V/m upward. Be prepared to discuss why we need a poloidal field.

3 Project Work

Due Thursday 4/1: An outline of your first presentation to be made the following week and six slides from your presentation. The slides should identify major system and phenomena and contain at least a few fundamental equations.

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