Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Honors Field Trip

We will be going to Princeton Plasma Physics Lab on Wednesday April 7. Permission slips will be available in the out folders. The cost is $16 each payable by check made out to Ridge Student Activities Fund - Physics (or small unmarked bills in non sequential serial numbers). Bring or buy lunch at the lab. we could use another adult or two so see if one of your folks would be interested in going.

Here is the info from the lab. make sure you are in compliance.

" Your tour of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) for about 42 Ridge High School students is scheduled for Wednesday, April 7, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. Please send me a list of the students and others prior to arrival. Non-U.S. citizens must provide the following information: citizenship, date of birth, and place of birth on the list. Your group will dine in the Cafeteria following the tour.

Please be advised of the following for the tour:

l Cameras and tape recorders are permitted and encouraged.
However, no briefcases or packages are allowed on the tour.

l No high-heeled shoes, open-toed shoes, or sandals.

l Radiation monitoring may be performed of your group
as per Department of Energy (DOE) requirements.

l Hard hats will be provided if you enter areas where they are required.

l No children under the age of 12 will be permitted on the tour.

Additionally, as a federal facility, we are taking heightened security measures at PPPL. Upon arrival, all adult visitors must show a government-issued photo I.D. This could include a passport or a driver's license.
Non-U.S. citizens must show a photo I.D., plus give us the following information: citizenship, date of birth, and place of birth.
For the welfare of both our staff and visitors, PPPL security staff retains the right to inspect vehicles and personal packages such as briefcases, satchels, book bags, and purses.

Groups begin in our main office building - the Lyman Spitzer Building - and after an introductory presentation, walk to the experimental areas. This is about 1/3 of a mile round-trip and includes several stairs. If you will need special accommodations for getting from our main office building to the experimental site, please let me know ahead of time. We look forward to presenting our program on fusion and talking about the research being conducted here at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Maps and directions to our Laboratory are available on the web at http://www.pppl.gov/visiting.cfm"

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