Sunday, May 30, 2010

Grades and labs

Sorry guys still going over labs, HW, and project stuff.

In labs when you discuss how one quantity varies in response to a change in another quantity, cite your lab data as much as possible as well as equations we derived. We do labs to see if our equations are right.

Six Flags

I need groups and rides by Monday evening or you are going to be doing the rides I assign in groups I assign or simply getting zeroes on labs.


New grades are posted for AP section 1 in HAC. Only a few changes since 5/14.

I will try to post the rest by tonight

Honors Project Work

You must turn in two project assignements per week listing three new points you have learned and one point you will research . I am missing the assignment due last Monday or Thursday for many of you and both Monday and Thursday for some of you.We will start presentations in just a few days. Groups should have assigned individual responsibilities for subtopics by now such as breaking up heating into ECRH and ICRH, neutral beams (maybe into two parts), ohmic. Generators should be addressing electrical and mechanical aspects, someone should be studying 3 phases currents by now. Plasma should be looking at reaction rates, classical transport, drifts. Thermo has heat transfer at the input (reactor side design of steam generators) overall thermodynamic cycle including reheat and regeneration, how turbine works - impulse (expanding and accelerating of steam in nozzle) and reaction, condenser and feedwater heating - more heat transfer for both of these, and feedwater pumping. Magnets_ materials for super conductors, design of ohmic, poloidal, and torroidal magnet sets. First wall and blanket, mechanical design, tritium breeding and extraction, heat removal.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

All students

You need to read this even if you are not going:

Great Adventure Rules and Information
• Students will be working in groups of three or four. Groups should stay together for the entire day at the park.
• You are assigned a bus. You must be on the same bus both ways. No exceptions.
• There will be a teacher, nurse, parent, and senior at the fountain all day.
• There is NO early bus.
• Do not get on a long line for a ride after 1:30.
• All students MUST be back on their bus at 2:45 PM so leave the gate by 2:25. Late students will be given detention equal to the time in minutes they are late times 15. i.e. 30 minutes late = 450 minutes or 7.5 hours of Saturday detention.
• You must attend first period for attendance purposes. There will be an announcement for students to go to the buses at 7:45 AM.
• If you bring food, place it in the lockers outside of the entrance. If you leave the park for the lockers, you must get a hand stamp. This is the ONLY reason you should leave the park. Stay in the area close to the entrance by the flag pole.
• This field trip is a school function and therefore all school rules still apply including rules on dress code, tobacco use, drugs and alcohol and inappropriate behavior.

Physics Day Assignment ( not applicable to Honors research)
• Work in groups of four students – all from the same physics class if possible (definitely from my classes).
• At the park – your duty is only to take the necessary data for each activity. The calculations and questions will be completed the following day in class.
• Each group will complete at least two activities and can do a third for extra credit.
• Homework – read each activity thoroughly and make an index card listing all the data that you need to take at the park.
• Physics Day equipment is picked up on the bus in the morning and left on the bus at the end of the trip.
• You do NOT have to go on the rides. Ask others in your group to take the data. You can choose rides that do not require a person to take data on ride
• If you are not attending, report to the following rooms where attendance will be taken and make sure you have a “for those not going” packet.
Period Classroom Teacher
1 409 Hunscher
2 612 Fela
3 536 substitute
4 536 McCarthy
5 409 Hunscher
6 402 Thorpe
7 536 McCarthy
8 534 Marin
9 534 Marin

Great Adventure

The rides for which I have sheets:

Taz twister
Rolling Thunder
Runaway Train
Log Flume
Batman ( 3 labs)
Spin Meister ( is still alive ?)
Great American Scream Machine ( 2 labs)
The Viper ( running ????)
Bumper cars ( are they really gone?)
Fantasy Fling
Stuntman Free Fall

Honors Fusion Power Report

Here is the link for those of you who haven't downloaded it yet. The 10.3 MB version obviously is the more complete:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

AP Assignment

A real relativity problem:

Siemens Competition

For those of you with an interest in math science or technology(even if you are a senior) read this:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Revised Honors Unit 13 Schedule

Here it is with correct due dates


(or not) The following people must see me about homework tomorrow: Baum, Wei, Wain, Van Landegem, Ramakrishnan,

Honors Homework

1) Homework must show some work, not just answers. Homework showing only answers will be returned without credit.

2) Try this one: a motor cyclist is riding north while sending out a 300 Hz noise. You are on your bike trying to escape the noise riding at 22 m/s north. What frequency do you hear. Use 330 m/s for the speed of sound.

Monday, May 24, 2010

AP Assignment

AP you should have a project proposal in by tomorrow indentifying what you will produce and the physics it will demonstrate.

Also, read up to and including the Doppler shift for light.

Honors Schedules

Here is a revised scheduled 12 for your records and schedule 13 to work on immediately. If the links don't work go to Homework and Events on Oncourse

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Honors Project Assignment

Just a reminder every Monday and Thursday, you are each to turn in three new items learned about your area, the source for those items and at least one new question to which you need to find the answer.

Friday, May 21, 2010

AP Assignments

By Monday, turn in proof that equation 7 implies equation 8 or vice versa using the transforms we developed and that x^2+y^2+z^2 -c^2t^2 is the same in any inertial frame.

By Tuesday, have a written proposal for you project including product, what physics you expect to demonstrate and team members.

Project teams can but do not have to be current groups . They can have up to 4 members but 3 or fewer is preferable.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cosmic Ray Detection

Lets have a brief meeting tomorrow after school to lay out a program for the next four weeks. Come with ideas. Meeting is open to all interested but please send an email if you are coming. Those who went to the class must email me whether or not they are coming.


SAT II help will be available Mon and Wed PM next week and Tu and Thu the following week. Go to the SAT II pages on the college board web site and read them, but do not do the practice questions at first. Use a review book to find your weaknesses by browsing through it and doing some practice questions. Then we can discuss your weak areas and work on them.

Honors Assignment

Do problems 55, 57 and especially 59 from Chapt 11.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Honors Standing Wave Lab

The lab is due Thursday. A procedure section is not required but a real discussion of how you found the correct force to apply ( by the hanging mass) for each number of loops including the calculation of c from F and Mass/length is required. Note that f should come out to 60 Hz. Plotting c from ( F and Mass/L vs wavelength) should yield f as the slope. DO NOT plot c found from lambda x f vs lambda to find f. All this would prove is that your calculator works.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Honors Assignment

Study for quiz tonight. You'll be taking the quiz tomorrow. If there is time use the laptops to make progress on your projects or work on your standing wave labs.

Wednesday night: read Chapt 11 Sections 11,12,13 do probs 52 through 54.

AP Assignments

Bring your relativity notes tomorrow and disucss them in your groups tomorrow. Also be prepared to pick a project from the web or from the books I'll have out. Return all books to the side desk.

Section1 do the equation 7/8 equivalence proof.

Section 2 read through equation 7 and 8 and try the equivalence proof.


I posted grades on the home accident center. They are for material checked in by 5/14.

There are some key issues and some of the grades are truly awful.

AP :
Some AP students have not turned in much homework, this will lkead to terrible grades this quarter. I will accept late work but with a severe penalty. Still, its better than a zero.

There are a scantron and some FRs with no names on them that have been hanging on the front board since last week. Someone is losing a lot of credit. They get recycled on Friday.

Many students have not handed in the complete break assignment. Many have not handed in the part where you tell me what new things you have learned from your own research during the break. This part is worth 70% of your project grade at this time.

Some have turned in nothing and so currently have a project grade of zero.

Labs are very overdue for some of you. I will give Es this quarter if you deserve them.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Field Trip Wednesday May 19

Try not to cheer to loudly I might here you even all the way over here, but I will be on the field trip to Indian Point on Wednesday.

Those going on the trip: we'll meet in the lobby at the cafeteria entrance right AFTER 1st period. Make sure you comply with the instructions about foot gear, cameras, cell phones, picture ID, etc.:

Attached, is the form that we discussed. Please complete and return to me. Visitors will need a photo ID with them the day of the visit. Driver's license is preferred, school id will be acceptable. Each visitor needs to make sure that the address on the form matches the one on the id. (Sometimes when people move they do not change the address on their license). Cameras and photo capable electronics such as cell phones or blackberries are not permitted in the plant. (If you want photos you can bring a camera but, I will need to take the pictures).

  • We have stringent safety requirements that all tour participants must observe. Please wear closed-toe, closed-heel shoes of sturdy construction – no sandals, moccasins, clogs, or cloth athletic/recreational shoes. High heels must be a minimum of 2” in diameter and not more than 4” in height. DO NOT WEAR SNEAKERS. Sandals and open-toed and open-backed shoes are not permitted for safety reasons.
  • Tour participants must be fully mobile. Anyone with a cast, wheelchair or crutches may not tour the plant.
  • Any non citizens will be required to produce documentation showing that they are in this country legally. (green card). If they do not have a Social Security #, cross out “Social Security #” on the form, write in “passport” or “visa” and insert the appropriate number.

Honors Quiz

Since I will not be at school to help you through the lab on Wednesday, we will finish the lab tomorrow and you can take the quiz on Wednesday.

Merck Test

Those taking the test, please read:

Please remind your students that the Merck Exam will begin promptly at 7 AM in the Teachers Cafeteria on Wednesday, May 19th. The test is 90 minutes. Failure to show up will forfeit our standing as a school team. Please stress this to your students.
Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Honors Wave Practice

Do these for homework tonight. I have included a solution set.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Honors Wave Lab

Lab reports kiddies. They better be in tomorrow.

Assignments AP and Honors

Hi, I'm back. Wow two days without a post. Who'd of thought it was possible.

Honors for tonight, do first 7 problems Worksheet 1 and hand them in tomorrow and then finish the sheet for Monday.

Also 8th period read the lab sheet for tomorrow and 6 period read it for Monday.

We will have a quiz on Tuesday covering wave basics such as wavelength, wave speed, particle speed, representing waves as sin wave in space and time, and something about energy and maybe momentum as well.

AP Really read the first four pages on special relativity ( see Post on May 2) tonight.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Honors Notes on Waves

Here are the wave notes

Trip to Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant

The permission slips are in the rack on the table next to the door. You must pick one up get it filled out and signed and signed YOU MUST ADD the following to get into the plant: your home address and home phone number; SS# ; country of citizenship.

I MUST HAVE THIS TOMORROW with a check for $25 made out to Ridge Student Activities Physics Club. TRIP MAY BE CANCELED if not enough of you do this.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Tee shirts

Orders must be in by Tuesday 5/11

AP Homework

All homework that was not previously turned in must be handed in Monday or no credit for it.

Do FR 2005 this weekend and review all other stuff we've done.

Get two good nights sleep ( an alert brain is essential for doing well. Better 80% of the knowledge and a 80 % brain activity level than the reverse.)but come to class Monday.

Put in the effort now so you can celebrate after the test.

AP Multiple Choice 6

Here are the answers to MC 6

AP MC 6 Question 53

The correct answer is A . Sorry

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Honors Assignment

Read 11-9 again and sections 11-10 through 11-12.

Do problems 46, 49, 51.

Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant May 19

To those who signed up for the trip: Pick up permission slip in 506 by Friday - they are in the rack on the table next to the door. Return by Tuesday with check for $25 to Ridge Activities- Physics Club. PLEASE let me know if you have changed your mind and are not coming.


Try to do all of MC 7 tonight as well as complete both FR 2008 versions

Tee Shirts Last Day

Monday is the last day for a T Shirt Order. Blanks are in 506. Make checks out to Ridge Activities- Physics Club

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Great Adventure

Those of you foolish enough to want to go to Great Adventure: Friday is the day you need to have slips and money turned in.

And think about how cool you will look in your physics tee shirt, and how bad you'll feel without one.

Honors Assignment

Read about wave speeds in the text and in notes. See links below. Do Text Chapt 11 39, 41, 43, and Ashley wants to say hi to all her friends (hello to both of you -ha ha)

AP Period 2

There were too many copies of the 2008 FR regular ( not form B) version left, the one with two blocks with a spring for the first problem. Make sure you come to 506 and get one from the rack at the front.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Physics T Shirts

Sales need to perk up . We have sold about 50 but the physics club has not pitched in as much as it should have. So place your orders this week.

AP Extra help

In addition to Wed and Fri AM and Tue Th and Fri PM I'll be available 3rd period Tu Wed, 5th period every day and &th period Tu for extra help.

Honors Harmonic Motions - Oscillations Quiz

Its a pretty straight forward quiz, and I kept it short - I think. However you will need to know how to find omega (w), KE and PE and x, and v, and a, without being given the equations. Otherwise it will just be plugging values into equations I give you. So remember your circular motion equations for x and a and that v =-wA sin(wt) etc. and you should be fine.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

AP Extra Help

Afternoon Mom Tue Thu Fri

Morning Mon Wed Fri

AP Schedule

Ripway is back up:

Don't print out more than first two pages of these notes, I've got a little editing to do.

AP and Honors Schedules

Ripway is having problems. Your new schedules can be found on Homework and Events for Friday 4/30 on my On Course Website. Good Luck to all who are taking exams tomorrow. I do hope to see my AP students who are not taking the Gov AP and all honors students tomorrow.

Honors Revised Schedule

Here is a revised Unit 11 Schedule. Please read it and follow it. It recognizes the fact that many of you are taking a Gov exam tomorrow. Good luck if you are.

HTML Link: