Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I posted grades on the home accident center. They are for material checked in by 5/14.

There are some key issues and some of the grades are truly awful.

AP :
Some AP students have not turned in much homework, this will lkead to terrible grades this quarter. I will accept late work but with a severe penalty. Still, its better than a zero.

There are a scantron and some FRs with no names on them that have been hanging on the front board since last week. Someone is losing a lot of credit. They get recycled on Friday.

Many students have not handed in the complete break assignment. Many have not handed in the part where you tell me what new things you have learned from your own research during the break. This part is worth 70% of your project grade at this time.

Some have turned in nothing and so currently have a project grade of zero.

Labs are very overdue for some of you. I will give Es this quarter if you deserve them.

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