Sunday, May 30, 2010

Honors Project Work

You must turn in two project assignements per week listing three new points you have learned and one point you will research . I am missing the assignment due last Monday or Thursday for many of you and both Monday and Thursday for some of you.We will start presentations in just a few days. Groups should have assigned individual responsibilities for subtopics by now such as breaking up heating into ECRH and ICRH, neutral beams (maybe into two parts), ohmic. Generators should be addressing electrical and mechanical aspects, someone should be studying 3 phases currents by now. Plasma should be looking at reaction rates, classical transport, drifts. Thermo has heat transfer at the input (reactor side design of steam generators) overall thermodynamic cycle including reheat and regeneration, how turbine works - impulse (expanding and accelerating of steam in nozzle) and reaction, condenser and feedwater heating - more heat transfer for both of these, and feedwater pumping. Magnets_ materials for super conductors, design of ohmic, poloidal, and torroidal magnet sets. First wall and blanket, mechanical design, tritium breeding and extraction, heat removal.

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