Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Honors Assignment

Section 2: use the data sheet to find vdoor, vwindow,vdoor',vwindow' and then for the first four runs find the momenta of the carts. See if total momentum is conserved. Remember to use signs for direction. Make sure you know which car went through which gate when.http://h1.ripway.com/DrCherdack/Momentum%20Data%20Sheet%20Honors2.xls

Section 3: answer the following: A 10 kg mass is lifted 5 m and placed on a ledge. How much work was done to lift it? What was the change in its Potential Energy (PE)? If it falls the the 5 m how fast will it be going, ( remember equations relating velocity, acceleration, and displacement - look over your a=f/m lab if you need help)? How much PE did it lose?

What will its kinetic energy (KE) be?

How much work is done by pushing a 50 kg mass with a force of 20N for 10 m. Assuming there no other horizontal forces, how much KE will it gain? How fast will it be going?

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