Sunday, October 24, 2010

Honors Projects and Section 3 ( period 7)Homework

By now each group should have turned in its logo and name.
Each student should have turned the following 3 assignments 1) actual topics you will cover, 2) two key questions about your topic you think you answer in doing your project 3) websites you have used and a very brief summary of what you learned on the website and relevant text sections [Waves people should see fluids and waves chapters in text. They provide some important background to tides and riptides; but do not get wrapped up in wavelengths and sine waves].

Thus each group should have turned in an assignment and each student should have turned in 3 individual assignments.

Section 3

I looked over your project work and it ranged from very good to excellent. However it was also very incomplete. Homeworks turned in range from 13 to 26 assignments. You should ahve at the very least 24turned in.

Section 2 ( period 2) You folks are more complete but nearly no two questions assignment have been turned in yet. Please turn in assignments now if you haven't yet done so.

I will try to post my records on projects and home work by Tuesday so you can see what is missing. If you can't stand to have others see your project or home work records email me ASAP. Who knows I might even get the message before Thnksgiving.

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