Wednesday, April 13, 2011

AP Assignment:AP Tests and Modern Physics

Do not write on any of the tests. Show work, record free response answers on a separate sheet from what you plan to turn in. This way we can review the tests before you homework gets entered. I'll try to get the scantron back to you within one day. This assignment is worth 8 homeworks.

The two green free response and completing MC4 and doing MC2 or whatever MC you have EXCEPT MCB6, are for free practice and can be done open book or even with help from your group. MC B6 and the white free response ( begins with a roller coaster) are to be done as a simulated exam. The MC should be done in 90 minutes with only the information ( first ) page of your info and equation sheets, and NO CALCULATORS. After a 5 minute break, do the free response in 90 minutes using the equation and info sheets and a calculator. Again this is to be done as if it were a real test. No outside help. Show work on all tests

Here are the modern Physics Links:

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