Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I would rather you hear this from me directly than otherwise, so here it is. This will be my last year at Ridge. While I have found the last eight years of teaching here extremely rewarding (even this year's juniors), it has come time for me to pursue other interests. It is time to spend more time with family and the other occupations I have neglected for these past years. There are many trails to be hiked, lots of country roads to be ridden, many furniture pieces to built, and much new physics to be understood.

I will still write recommendation letters next fall for those who request them, but do email me if you change your mind because of this news.

I do hope to often visit Ridge where so many people have created such wonderful memories for me. I'll probably have to stop by often anyway to find all the stuff I've lost over the past eight years.

...and for all of you, DO NOT make the mistake of thinking this will make me any easier to deal with than it has been in the past.

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