Saturday, July 30, 2011

Finally Some Pictures

Finally got some pictures posted to my server. Now if only the links would work.

Here's one of our new ( actually 126 year old) house." />

Here is one of our back yard with its part-time occupants ( my neighbor's cows).">

And here is one of my 9 year old grandson. Now doesn't this make some of you girls wish you were nine years old again.">

He is actually my stepson's boy so he has none of my genes so I can brag about him. I took this picture when we were on a 5 mile hike. He was cheerful and interested the whole time despite lots of mosquitoes. He is great company as long as you keep him fed.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Report from Ashfield 7/28/11

I cannot get files to load to the server I store them on from here - the Hughesnet satellite service is awful. In fact I have just been told that I am no longer connected... ah, its back again.

In any case I have been fixing up work spaces by hanging cabinets, building benches and supports and lumber racks, restacking lumber in a way that I can see what I've got ( lot's of mahogany mostly of weird sizes and more 2x8's than I can use right now.). I am also midway through painting a bedroom after I insisted on tearing off some turquoise wallpaper. I am also in the midst of replacing the rpm sensor on the maroon volvo, while tomorrow I'll be picking up a new fender for the blue one( don't drive while sleepy).

Some electricians were here yesterday to install some underground wire between the house and barn ( I hate digging) and do some other stuff. Don't know when they will be back to finish. Contractors are a whimsical bunch.

I've also taken a few hikes, one with my grandson. Gone for a few short walks and done some bike rides ncluding one of 40+ miles and nearly 3000 feet of total climbing. The new hip works well if I keep moving.

Been to Tanglewood a total of 4 times so far this season and each performance has been great.

On the physics front, not much to report except one very practical application. A new soap bottle was very hard to open. I realized that it was warmer than when filled so it was likely under net pressure. I distorted the bottle to increase its volume and reduce the internal pressure and the bottle opened easily. Physics is always with us. I am reading an "old Man's Toy" about general relativity ( Einstein being the old man) and cosmology. Some neat ideas, but too many oversimplifications and some just plain errors. Still, overall worth reading.

Stay in touch, and visit if you can.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Update from Ashfield July11

On the Ridge front, I was informed that the board will appoint me a volunteer assistant advisor to the Physics Club for the coming year. This should maintain my Ridge email account. I'll let you know if this is not true.

On the home front, today's adventure was installing a new pump and pressure tank in our house. Took a little extra time because I could not acquire all the parts I needed to do it the most efficient way so I had to ad lib a bit. It also took a lot of extra time because I had no idea where I put anything once I put it down. Its a good thing our basement is nearly empty or I would still be looking for the tubing cutter.

On the culture front, we enjoyed a great concert at Tanglewood in the Berkshires on Sunday. It is a vast shed with an even vaster lawn outside in a beautiful spot in the hills. The Boston Symphony Orchestra, one of the world's best, plays here most weekends in July and August. Good seats can be had for less than $30, lawn tickets on Friday's are only about $10! We heard the Scottish Fantasy for Violin and orchestra by Max Bruch, a contemporary and surprisingly enjoyable piece called loco, and a magnificent performance of Tchaikovsky's 6th Symphony. The conductor captured all the manic energy and pathos perfectly and the orchestra's sound was beyond superb.

On the physics front, I was disappointed to learn that the article I chose to read on superluminal velocities concerned only apparent speeds greater than c due to geometric effects. It goes into details on the effects of the relativistic Doppler Effect and other matters, but I was hoping for discussion of light sources moving away from us at apparently greater than c due to the expansion of the universe. I'll have to see what I can find.

Hope to post some pictures soon Stay tuned in and stay in touch. Enjoy your summer.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Weekly Report

Hi folks,

The tone of this blog will change as I just give a weekly or so report on what's happening in our new home. There will still be physics content as I sort through books and papers and work to obtain a better understanding of the under pinnings of our universe.

It's another beautiful day in Western Massachusetts ( I think I've spelled it right.) I Got back Wednesday night after clearing my room out - sort of- and doing about twelve other things Monday, Tuesday and earlier Wednesday.

Thursday I spent too much time running ethernet from the west end of the house where our dish is to the east end where my "office" and computer are so I could locate the router there. Satellite internet is a little better than dial up, but still terrible compared to DSL or Fios.

Also, Thursday our 18 year old cat finally gave up the ghost and is now buried under a lilac ( I think) bush. She had a good run and was just worn out.

The place has been busy: we are watching our 3 grandchildren for 8 days and with them and friends and neighbors and even strangers around, the place is jumping. The strangers were people who drove up saying they were the great great great grand daughter of the builder of the house and her daughter and grandchildren. So her grandchildren represented the sixth generation of Howses to set foot in the house.

I moved another 20 boxes of books yesterday after having unloaded the old Volvo and our mud room is now free of boxes.

The place is shaping up and open for visits.

Going out for a bike ride - hip is doing well now and will read some cosmology this evening as a treat to myself for all the work I've done. Look up superluminal galaxy velocity and you'll see what I am reading about.

Regards to all you Southerners in New Jersey.