Saturday, July 2, 2011

Weekly Report

Hi folks,

The tone of this blog will change as I just give a weekly or so report on what's happening in our new home. There will still be physics content as I sort through books and papers and work to obtain a better understanding of the under pinnings of our universe.

It's another beautiful day in Western Massachusetts ( I think I've spelled it right.) I Got back Wednesday night after clearing my room out - sort of- and doing about twelve other things Monday, Tuesday and earlier Wednesday.

Thursday I spent too much time running ethernet from the west end of the house where our dish is to the east end where my "office" and computer are so I could locate the router there. Satellite internet is a little better than dial up, but still terrible compared to DSL or Fios.

Also, Thursday our 18 year old cat finally gave up the ghost and is now buried under a lilac ( I think) bush. She had a good run and was just worn out.

The place has been busy: we are watching our 3 grandchildren for 8 days and with them and friends and neighbors and even strangers around, the place is jumping. The strangers were people who drove up saying they were the great great great grand daughter of the builder of the house and her daughter and grandchildren. So her grandchildren represented the sixth generation of Howses to set foot in the house.

I moved another 20 boxes of books yesterday after having unloaded the old Volvo and our mud room is now free of boxes.

The place is shaping up and open for visits.

Going out for a bike ride - hip is doing well now and will read some cosmology this evening as a treat to myself for all the work I've done. Look up superluminal galaxy velocity and you'll see what I am reading about.

Regards to all you Southerners in New Jersey.

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