Sunday, June 26, 2011

Return to Ridge

Greetings from
1180 Hawley Road
Ashfield, MA 01130

If you plug that address into and click on satellite you can see a pretty good view of our new home. It is the one just above Hawley Road and to the left of Apple Valley Road.
The building on the right edge of the property is my barn and the one to the left of the barn is our ca.1884 farm house. There is a stream in between and you have to cross a small bridge to get to the barn. Pretty neat place to live, but it will take some fixing up.

If anybody needs to see me I will be in 506 most of this Tuesday. If no one needs to see me, I will still be there, cleaning things out.... ugh.

If you need to email me try my bernardsboe address; but if it doesn't work use

Enjoy your summer

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