Thursday, June 9, 2011

AP Relativity Problem

Kaity Vermillion is skating at .8c. How long does it take her in her frame to reach the end of rink 100m away in the rink’s frame? How long does she think the rink is? If she starts skating at noon on her watch and the rinks clock at the bank end of the rink, when she thinks she has gone 25m, where is she in the rink and what time does the rink clock at that point say?

She is shining a green 6x1014 Hz laser over her shoulder ( pointing backwards). What frequency light do you, standing at the back of the rink, see?

Her coach passes her at a speed Kaity sees as .2c. How fast do you think the coach is going?

Given that momentum is gmv and KE is (g-1)mc2, and Kaity’s mass is 58 kg, what are her momentum and KE.

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