Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thursday All students Going or Not

Students Going:

All students, report to your first period class. Wait for the announcement and then proceed to the old lobby and to your bus. Honors 2 AP4 and AP 5 are all on bus C.

Honors 3 is split between bus B and J : Bus B Aaron (Jack) through Kauffman (Erica)

Bus J: Leffler through Van Landegem

Tonight: look through the lab sheets you picked and see what information you need to get at the park. Make sure you have something to write on and with.

Stay with your group in the park, individuals get lost faster than groups.

Leave the park promptly. Be at the fountain by 2:45 and head for the bus. Do NOT get on long ride lines that will keep you beyond 2:45. Do not make 400 people wait for you.

You must stay on your assigned bus!!!

Students not going:

Subs or places to send students

Period 1 – study hall Hunscher

Period 2 room 534 Marin

Period 3 room 534 Marin

Period 4 room 536 McCarthy

Period 5 room 536 McCarthy

Period 6 – room 407 Hunscher

Period 7 room 534 Marin

Period 8 room 536 McCarthy

Period 9 room 534 Marin

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