Tuesday, June 14, 2011


1) All honors project reports are due Wednesday. They must encompass more than your slide shows. They should address the points from the blog post of early May. They are repeated here:

Plasma: number density (particles per cubic meter, temperature, energy confinement time, required fields

Plasma heating: neutral beams- current, voltage, power, fraction of accelerated particles which remain uneutralized and thus do not enter the plasma

Magnets: dimensions, turns, currents, fields i plasma and field at coil for all three sets of coils

First wall blanket: Dimensions, temperatures for first wall, blanket structure, liquid lithium ( inlet and outlet if lithium flows; flow rate of lithium.

Thermo dynamics: Temperatures, flows (kg/sec) and energies (joules/kg) throughout the cycle.

Generators: Currents, voltages, rotating field strength, area of coils, turns per coil- remember - 3 phase

2) sorry to have missed the demonstrations/presentations of today. I'll be available any period 1st,4th,,6th,9th) I do not have a final or duty to see them. All presentations should be provided to me via email or personally. Since the AP finals will only have a few takers I can be available 3rd and 8th for quiet demos.

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