Monday, January 23, 2012

Mid January Update

I really enjoyed my visit to Ridge on Friday, seeing faculty friends and spending time with great alumni like Carly, Ashley, Sandra, Christine, Akil, Henry, and Jon. It's always nice to find out that people will spend time with you, even when they no longer have to.  It's also nice to hear how you folks are doing and to hear so much in the way intelligent thoughts and interesting activities.

Saturday was spent at the NJ Physics Olympics. We had an astonishingly large turnout comprising four teams. This says a lot about Mr. Lee and Ms Mususmeci and the club officers. We got a first in the collision free car event.  I hope this year's juniors will compete next year as well.  I got to judge the Fermi questions and I am glad to say there were no horrendously silly answers from Ridge this year.

It was a long drive home Saturday and it felt good to be back in the country.

We had a snow storm last week and two this week, but the total on the ground is well under two feet. There's still plenty for snowshoeing and I did some of that last Monday and yesterday without ever driving anywhere to do it.

Here are a couple of photos from last Friday: one of our house and one taken from about 400 feet up Hawley Road.

Maybe these photos will inspire some of you to visit.

Well back to finding a contractor for our septic system and to refreshing my understanding of sold state circuits so I can repair a receiver.

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