Thursday, January 5, 2012

Post Holiday Post

I managed a sort of symmetrical title to this post.

Hope you all had good holidays and I hope those of you who are sitting on the edges of your seats about admissions are getting some good news.

Our holidays were very pleasant up here, with Daniel around and much time spent with Chris' family and many new friends. The coffee table/ display case I made for my wife was a big hit with her so I have garnered some brownie points.

Things are a lot quieter and slower paced up here. Good things as far as we are concerned.

We visited New Jersey, attending a New Years Day party and staying with friends. We did a walk around Ramapo Lake on Monday and more visiting.

Tuesday was my day to visit Ridge and I appreciate the warm welcome I received from many students and faculty members. It was also nice to see some graduates who came back to visit.

Thanks to Mr. Lee and Ms. Musumeci, the current club officers, and the spirit of Ridge students, the physics club is thriving. Twenty members are planning to attend the Physics Olympics on 1/14.

After being busy and doing a lot of driving Tuesday, yesterday was a rest day. It never got out of the teens and I didn't do much more than take a walk and fill a bird feeder and reread a couple of chapters on particle physics.

Today started with a walk and will progress to trying to sort out faulty thermostats, attempting to repair a CD player ( some of us prefer non MP3 sound), and, I hope, to making some progress reinforcing the loft over our kitchen and workshop. I also want to see how many days in a row I can go without getting into a car.

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