Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas and Hanukkah Wishes

First, I hope all of you have great holidays, even those who are not celebrating a specific holiday. Spend time with those folks who are important to you and to whom you are important.  Also, many times the holidays do not live up to expectations, probably due to unrealistic expectations. Please remember every moment you spend regretting what isn't happening, instead of appreciating what is happening, is a precious moment of life wasted.

Second thanks for the responses from nearly all of you re: your results and needs.

Third, I expect to be at Ridge on 1/3 and 1/13, mostly to help with the Physics Olympics.

Four, somewhat against my better judgement I have joined facebook. I will be friends with any of my students AFTER they graduate from Ridge.

The past weeks have been full of errands and shopping, some walks along country roads, but most of all wood working. I am trying to regain or improve on the woodworking skills I had  about twenty years ago, while building a gift for my wife.  Its amazing how many different kinds of errors I have made. I hope I can forget how to make them on the next project.

Last weekend I finished writing and modifying the last rec. Monday afternoon was spent copying and mailing. Tuesday my wife and I took a walk in a forest on the William Cullen Bryant estate ( a 19 th century poet who emphasized the importance of nature). It has not been logged in at least two hundred years and there are many magnificent trees and some beautiful streams.

Wednesday we bought groceries for, and helped serve at a Christmas dinner for the indigent, an annual gift from out Temple congregation to the community. I spent much of the afternoon, you guessed it, copying and mailing recs. Still have a few to go.

Thursday was more woodworking and picking up my son, Daniel, in Boston. Yesterday was more woodworking and shopping with Daniel. Tonight dinner with Daniel, and Chris (my stepson) and his family, including his sister in law and her family.  Jean (my wife)started cooking three days ago and now Daniel is pitching in. So much for weight loss.

On the physics front, I have reviewed matrix algebra and determinants and even derived Kramer's Rule on my own.  Back to general relativity soon. Currently reading about non local causality ( which implies events at one point can affect other events more than c delta t away) and will review the EPR paradox, Bell's inequality, and the Aspect  experiments sooner or later.

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