Thursday, December 15, 2011

Application Results

I am writing recs for 38 students. Of these thirty one had early deadlines. I had told those thirty one that I would not send out any recs that had due dates beyond 12/15 unless I heard from them.  I need to hear from you about what has happened to all those early actions and early decision applications and what you want to do now. There are still about a dozen of you with whom  I have not had correspondence. I am not happy about this.

Let me remind you of a few things. I spend hours thinking of ways to say positive things that are neither untrue nor boring about students. I have to drive 23 miles each way to get your letters copied. I lick a few hundred envelopes because most of you don't use the self seal type. I spend time checking addresses that are faulty and correcting them. I fax applications when the post office or admissions offices lose the first ones I sent. I fill out forms that you were supposed to. I spend a couple of hundred dollars on cartridges, copying, paper, etc. I lose my correspondence with you because someone in the Basking Ridge administration closed out my email account without warning or explanation. What do I ask. I simply ask that you keep me posted on your results and your current needs. Remember, I cannot see any correspondence we had on my bernardsboe account, so if you need me to know something you need to make sure it reached my gmail account.

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