Friday, December 9, 2011

Urgent: Loss of Email

My email account at bernardsboe is not working at this time and I have not yet been able to ascertain why. I was hoping to sort this out before bothering any of you but time is getting short for the Dec. 31 and Jan 1 deadlines. In any case, at this moment I do not have access to the my inbox or the mailboxes that have all my correspondence on recommendations. This has three immediate consequences.

1) I have not contacted most of you whose name begins with a letter after "H" about which schools I have sent recs to. I'll try to recommence this process using the info I have from your folders.

2) I do not know what will happen to any electronic recommendation requests sent to my bernardsboe address. If they have deadlines coming up soon I suggest you revise your request to refer to my gmail address.

3) Please use my robertcherd@gmail address to keep me posted on where you were accepted and what schools I still need to send to.

Please pass this on to anyone you think I may be writing for or those who need to reach me for other reasons.

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