Sunday, February 24, 2013

News from our alternate universe.

The last couple of weeks have been busy with visits from our friends from New Jersey, a concert at U MAss ( their student orchestra is very, very good),  a visit from the real estate agent who helped us buy our house, lots work on the china cabinet, and many walks, with and without snowshoes.

Here's a photo from a brief walk this afternoon after a snow shower decorated the local conifers, in this case a nearby grove of hemlocks.

 The title of this post comes from the name one of our friends has given our current place of habitation. Not sure if it refers to just our property, or our neighborhood, town, or region.

The cabinet is coming along slowly, partly because my working locations are cold, and partly because I do everything the hard way, including hand chopping half blind dovetails to join the pieces of the cabinet body together. The bottom half of the cabinet will end up comprising over 60 separate pieces of wood. I am already two months behind my initial schedule, but I hope it will be worth it.

I ma waiting to read an article which claims to resolve the particle wave duality in favor of waves alone, something that I was beginning to accept on my own. The journal should arrive in the next week or two.

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