Thursday, February 14, 2013


We got about 22" from the storm that ended last Saturday, but the high winds created everything from bare spots to 3 foot and more high drifts. As a result I got to do a bit of shoveling and a lot of  snowshoeing. Here are some pictures from around our house.

Our cars were only half buried:

The snow drifted well up onto to our porch and it was a struggle to get the door open.  We've given up using the other front door for any time soon.

The snow was not very dense but the wind was the real killer. An hour after clearing a path to the cars to shovel them out, it was covered again. I got the cars dug out and moved to the driveway which our neighbor plows for us. He then returns and plows the spaces in front of the house. It took ten hours before he got back to us from his rounds.

The wind was fierce all day and made our front yard look a bit like a miniature Antarctica.

The good news, at least for me, is that despite a bad cold courtesy of a visiting family member form LA, I've gotten to snowshoe three times in the past five days and there is nothing like a snow covered conifer forest with a clear blue sky above it. Now if only I can remember to take some pictures next time I'm out in the woods.

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