Friday, July 12, 2013

Projects Again

Projects: for those bored by carpentry skip this post.

I've been working since late May, when weather and indolence on my part have allowed, on repairing the framing and exterior around the bay near the front porch. Everything that is light gray or unpainted in the following photos is what I replaced. I also replaced some studs a lot of the sheathing and lots of cellulose insulation ( with rigid foam). I had to make the moldings using hand planes and gouges. The fact that different parts of the house lean different ways didn't help. I also had to rewire an outlet that was supported only by the wire to it, and relocate it to a less crowded circuit.

Still none of this would have taken as long as it has if only I could see straight and measure correctly in less than three tries. Well a few more pieces to cut and install and then I can start on the gutters to prevent the rain from rotting the new, and remaining old, wood.


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