Friday, July 12, 2013

Waterfalls, Trees, and You

Most of those who know me realize I am sentimental and given to philosophizing.  Here are some  of my latest thoughts.

During the last few weeks we spent many days looking at waterfalls. One in particular inspired these thoughts.

First you hear the rushing and the roaring. Then you see streaming waters, some deep and churning, some thin threads, made silver as they take to the air above the rocks. At first, this tumult and beauty capture you completely. After some time, you become conscious of the setting, the banks, the mosses, the shape of the land, and the all enclosing forest of trees.

The waterfall is not just the rushing stream. Everything around it combines to make it possible. The rocks underneath it give it form, the steep hillsides force the water into the narrow channel, the clouds above provide its source, and everywhere the trees gather the rain and gently releasing it, sheltering and holding the soils, let the water reach the channel in a sustained stream, not a sudden and soon extinguished burst.

We are much like the waterfall. Some of us are the bright, glittering stream; some of us are like the underlying rocks, mostly unseen, supporting it all.  Many of us are trees. We can all be part of the waterfall. If you find that you are not the rushing sparkling stream, do not take it amiss. Be the best tree you can be. Glory in the sunshine on your leaves and needles. Feel the strength of your roots in the soil. Provide the best shade and shelter you can. Play your own part in the waterfall and play it as well as you can.

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