Monday, November 4, 2013

The Joys of Amazon

I ordered a new USB cable and a charger and camera batteries from Amazon. I wanted to order a second cable to be sure I would have a working one, but that cable came from a 3rd party and the shipping exceeded the value of the cable.  Even to buy the batteries/charger and the Amazon supplied cable was a real challenge. The total came to $24.98. Every time I tried to check out it told me the cable would be held back 'til some time in the future when I placed an order exceeding $25. Then the cable would be shipped free, but not the other items. So I found a book I liked for $11 and added that. No good; the book was coming from a third party so it didn't count towards the $25. So I found I book I thought my wife might like for $10 from Amazon. I then started to check out only to be shocked that the shipping brought the total to about $44. So I cancelled that book, found a book of crossword puzzles ( have I told you how much time I am spending on old NY Times crossword puzzles lately?) for about $11 and added that instead. Now my total was over $35 so I got free shipping. So in a real sense the book cost me about -$12. The whole exercise took well over an hour. Placed the order Thursday (10/31) and am still waiting for it.

 I really enjoy purchasing items from real people in real shops with whom you can have a real conversation.

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