Tuesday, October 29, 2013


1) One reason my latest posts took so long and are pictureless is the USB connection for downloading pictures from our camera to my 10 year old Mac died. Not sure if its the socket in the camera or the cable.

2) The weather here continues to be very fine. Yesterday I took a long walk which passed by a cemetery that has not been used for 130 years (but had been used for 100 or so years before that), and went over a stone bridge that carried the local highway until about 1870, and through lots of pretty forest. Best of all I got to shuffle through 10 billion leaves ( I counted them).

3) Things here are going along as usual. Had a very nice visit from Megan Banta. On Saturday we got to Hartford to see the Wadsworth Antheneum, and then attended a showing of Disney's Fantasia with live music provided by the Hartford Symphony Orchestra. It was a great show visually and aurally.

The Wadsworth has a good collection of fine art and an overabundance of really silly contemporary paintings.

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