Sunday, October 6, 2013

News from the previous week

These are from the week prior to going to Vermont.

It's been a busy few days for us. I've cut and installed some more boards and done a bit of painting. On Friday  9/ 27 Jean went to a Massachusetts LWV board meeting in Boston. Then we met in Historic Deerfield to attend a reception for the opening of a new exhibit on 400 years of furniture making in Mass. From the reception we went a seafood restaurant in Greenfield where quantity and low prices were the hallmark. From there we went wonderful concert, the real reason we were in Greenfield. The program included pieces by Jay Ungar and Stephen Foster and the truly beautiful American Quartet by Dvorak. I urge to get to hear this when you can. Much of the music was performed by a recently formed Wistaria Quartet and they did a fine job, especially with the Dvorak. The other performers were also quite good. The only down side was the small audience. I urge you all to go out and see the local performing artists in your area. Leave the TV off and turn off the other devices, including the one you are reading this on.

Saturday 9/28 was another busy day, with Jean helping out at the local LWV book sale and getting signatures for an expanded bottle bill and me going for a 78 mile bike ride contributing to a Southern Vermont food charity. The ride was very scenic, following the Deerfield River for about 30 miles. The worst thing about the day was that I could swear I ate very little and did all that riding and still gained 2 pounds.

Sunday we spent some time cleaning up destruction... I mean construction debris and visiting with our son and his family. Then we went to Keene NH to meet our former Glen Rock neighbors and very good friends. We had a fine meal at a place near the town center called Luca's. Not cheap but well worth the cost. Keene is a charming town with several old homes and other buildings showing outstanding architecture.

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