Sunday, October 6, 2013

Vermont Trip

Just got back from a long weekend in Vermont. We stayed in Dorset, near Manchester. It's a beautiful area with lots of forested mountains and hills all trying to outdo each other in color and graceful shapes. Thursday was great weather and we got some walking and tandem cycling in. Friday was a day for more indoor pursuits: crafts and antique shows.

Saturday I did a charity ride for a small foundation that provides equipment and other support for cancer patients and survivors pursuing things like skiing, cycling, running, etc. It was founded by a young man who lost his entire left leg to cancer about ten years ago. He took up cycling and within two years did his first 100 mile ride. He rode in this event, a mere 100 km.

The ride went through some of the prettiest valleys and up some of the steeper roads in the area.  I plan to do it again next year and may be soliciting contributions.

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