Thursday, October 16, 2014

Busy Start to October

It's been another busy stretch. During the last ten days: went to the dentist and got a clean bill of oral health; attended a lecture by Nobel Winner Sheldon Glashow on how basic research has yielded much of the basis of our current economy and our improved health technology; reorganized shelving and bought, cut to fit, installed eight two by 8 by ten foot long braces on the first floor and in the loft of the barn; attended services for the holidays; helped build a sukkhot; finished all the anchoring, new supports, trimming the door, and cutting and installing new trim for the doorway in the barn basement; tutored twice; got some nice walks and one ride in ; explored two nearby towns; did a tour of our property with a botanist to identify invasive species; bought lots of tools and CDs I didn't need, heard some good fiddle music, and spent a lot of time wandering around our outstanding and very crowded fall festival; attended a demonstration of colonial era woodworking ( learned a lot of good stuff there); saw a very good performance of the Ibsen/Miller play: "An Enemy of the People" ( more on this later); enjoyed a visit from friends from New Jersey; and went to an antique show and visited some museums in old Deerfield.

Took a walk around the neighborhood and took some pictures  including one of the neighbor's dog, Jessie who is getting too round to move much. The Swiss chard shown below is the size of a medium hippo. The horses seen in a neighbor's pasture are retired Amish draft horses and soon after this picture was taken wandered up to another neighbor's orchard where they entertained the pick your own apple crowd for a while. I think the flowers are called flox up here but that might not be their correct name.

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