Sunday, February 10, 2008

Great Physics Lecture

Saturday March 1 at 2PM at the Physics Lecture Hall, Busch Campus, Rutgers University

The 2008 Irons Lecture in Physics and Astronomy

These lectures are intended for the general public and high school students are encouraged to attend. Ridge has  had good turnouts for the past two years and the students found them both interesting and rewarding.

This year, Professor Arkani-Hamed from the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton will discuss how the new huge particle accelerator starting to operate in Switzerland will help us explore the nature of the universe and the particles we are made of at yet higher energy levels and over unimaginably small distances.

Here is a link and/or contact me for details.  Irons Lecture -08

Extra credit will be available to my students if they submit a brief report of what they learned at the lecture.

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