Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Honors Lab Groups

Starting tomorrow we will have new, slightly changed , lab, and study groups:

Honors Section 1:

Group1:James, Erika, Bobby, Allison

Group2 : Jn, Elliott, Amy, Claire

Group3: Steve, Laura, Ryan, Andrew,Meaghan

Group 4: Jamie, Kyle, Dennis, Brett, ( same old gang)

Group 5: Chris, Caitlyn, Lara, Colleen, Mike

Group 6 Anne Marie, Chrissy, Shannon, Tom

Honors Section 2:

Group1: Amanda, Tucker, Emily, Frankie S., Dylan

Group 2: George, Paige, Julia, Eric,

Group 3: Lexie, Trisha, Dan, Paul

Group 4: Olivia, Zach, Nick, Brian

Group 5: Frankie C., James, Travis, Nelson

If these present any insurmountable difficulties, email me.

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