Friday, May 30, 2008

For those doing the Spinmeister activity

Here is a link ( not a live link so you will have to paste it into your browser) for a picture and a very brief discussion of the Spinmeister

Mathematical Review Package

See message of Sunday June 1

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Great Adventure Labs

Labs are due Monday June 2 to get one full letter, ten extra points, above the lab's normal grade.
Due by by June 9 to get any credit

You do not have to do activity 2 Conscious Commuting

Honors and Mathematical Thermo Assignment notes sample cycle

The sample cycle problem in the Thermo notes is now an assignment, due Monday June 2.

For the sample cycle problem in the notes on thermo use the following:

for work done in an isothermal process
Work done by gas = PinitialV initial x ln (Vfinal/Vinitial)
so work done by gas from D to A = -2.64 x10^7 Joules

and work done by gas from B to C = +1.33 x10^8 Joules

Plug these in and you should be able to do the rest

Period 2 Great Adventure

Apparently Period 2 groups 3 , 4, and 6 feel no need to have the activity sheets for Great Adventure, since they were laying in 506 at the end of period 2. This is fine by me . However, unless I hear a very good explanation you will all receive zero for the labs and extra credit.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mathematical Labs

Since there was more than one 8 th period in folder last week I will accept that the refraction labs marked 5/21 can have been turned in on 5/19. I will adjust your marks accordingly. Turn your lab back in if it was marked late incorrectly.

Even more about Wednesday

All of you, read through the introductory material in the packet about force, acceleration, etc.

Those not going: First get packet from door to 506. One activity ( your choice of the 3 in the packet) is required, 2nd can replace worst lab, 3rd can get you up to 15 pts extra credit.
Period 2 go to room 531
Period 4 room 534
Period 6 532
Period 7 534
Period 8 534

Those going: same deal as those not i.e. one activity ( your choice of the ones in your group packet ) is required, 2nd can replace worst lab, 3rd can get you up to 15 pts extra credit.
You'll get packets including angle and acceleration devices on the bus. Read through the material so you'll know what and how to measure for each activity on each ride. Bring pens and index cards for data taking.

6th period groups:

#1 Katie, Ann, Rijul
#2 Peter, Parsa, Nicole
#3 Alex, Rebecca, Isha ( nice concert tonight ladies), Anita
#4 Garrett, dan, Ryan, Kuba
#4 Andrew, Jane, Sydney

8th period groups
#1 Marissa, Danielle, Kristen, and Alex, ( boy that's some group)
#2 Ashley, Ryan, Tara
#3 Spud,Peter, Evan
#4 Walker, Ray ( outstanding concert tonight you two) , Nick

More Urgent about Wednesday

More coming so check later

1) Bus changes Bus 6 is all of Period 2 EXCEPT Meaghan, Andrew V, and Tom, who are on Bus 7.

Everyone else is Bus 7.

2) Groups are as follows - no arguments:
Period 2
#1 James, Bobby, Chrissie, Tom
#2 Lara, Anne Marie, Allison,Erika
#3 Ryan H, Dennis, Andrew V
#4 Jamie, Steve, Chris R
#5 Jen, Claire, Amy, Meaghan
#6 Caitlyn, Laura, Colleen, Shannon

Period 4

# 1 Amanda, Emily, Paige and Olivia
#2 Travis, Nick R, Zach
#3 Nelson Eric, Frankie, Frankie
#4 No one
#5 Lexi Trish Julia , Tucker
#6 Paul, Dylan, Brian, George R

More coming I am taking a break


1) Everyone reports to 1st period class

2) Those not attending Great Adventure unless you teacher has told you otherwise, follow your schedule EXCEPT physics class. The room number you go to for physics may be announced or will be posted on the door to 506.

3) Those attending: go to 1st period, wait for the announcement. Then board your bus as follows:

Bus #6 All second period plus Travis, Amanda, Tucker and Olivia

Bus # 7 All remaining 4 period, all 6th period, all 8th period

4) Rules

You MUST be on your same ASSIGNED bus to and from Great Adventure

Be back on bus NO LATER than 2:45 or Saturday detentions

Be safe

Do assigned rides in chosen groups

Always travel with at least one buddy

Any trouble find a Ridge teacher or nurse at the fountain

park food in the locker (get your hand stamped before you pass through gate)

keep your kits

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Relativity Proof

Here is what you have been clamoring for


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mathematical and Honors Fluids and Schedule

Here is a link to fluids problems. Problems 1,6 and 8 are due on Wednesday 5/28 for honors and mathematical classes . Try any others, you'll get 10 points extra credit for any others done right. You must show complete work though.


Here is the Mathematical Schedule for Unit 15


Honors and Mathematical Thermo Notes

[ Schedule for mathematical class will be up by 5 PM.]Here is the link to the thermo notes. Read them all by Thursday morning but emphasize those parts concerned with how heat added or removed, internal energy , and work on or by the fluid are related.


Honors and Mathematical Fluids Assignment

Here is the link for the fluids notes. Read about pressure, and buoyancy force, and get a feel for Bernoulli's principle: Work done by pressure differences changes potential and kinetic energy of the fluid.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Important Deadlines

1) Honors and mathematical: Refraction Lab due today, late tomorrow (Tuesday); DOA Wednesday.

Lab report should:

 state purpose e.g verify ratio between sines of angles is near constant because it is = to ratio of speeds and therefore inverse ratio of indexes (indices is the correct plural) of refraction and to find index for glass.

Procedure: describe what you did, how did you get the lines, what angles did you measure

Error Analysis: not sighting lines properly, mis-measuring angles ( very common on many of the labs I checked)

Conclusion : was ratio of sines constant, what was resulting n for glass assuming  N air =1

2) AP Exam Perp homework: get them in to me by Wednesday morning the latest, label which are late and which were done by 5/12. You are on your honor.

3) All students project proposals due by class time Wednesday

Sunday, May 18, 2008

All Students Grades

I have entered your grades as of last Friday on TAC. What will show up on HAC is anybody's guess. Anything labeled "Other" means you owe me something like a makeup test or a resubmittal or see me  for a lab.

Ignore what ever HAC claculates for your grade. Your overall grade is under TD1.

The very low homework and overall grades for AP ARE FROM MISSING AP PREP WORK.  SEE ME if you're grade is low because of this.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Honors Schedule for Unit 15

Here is your schedule for Fluids and Thermodynamics


Special Relativity Ver 15

Here is the latest, don't go past page 17

Note that the Delta t = near the bottom of page 5 should be a Delta t' =

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Honors and Mathematical Quiz and Homework

Reminder: Homework on light due tomorrow. There will also be a quiz. The mathematical quiz will include some calculations. The Honors quiz may also include some calculations. I am writing the quizzes now and I decided to make them really, really hard. In fact I'm going to make them so I can't answer them either, so you'd better study really well.

Honors Classes

I am exceedingly disappointed in the level of integrity and civic mindedness of my HONORS classes. After many non answers or answers given without thought only 50cents was deposited in the FACT cylinder. THIS IS JUST PLAIN WRONG. FIX IT TOMORROW.


Many of you are missing several AP review assignments. These are each worth 5 points on your quarter grade. They include the MC FRs and the modern physics problem sheet.Here is what I have now, please make sure you turn in everything you've done and make sure you've done everything, as far as AP review is concerned. Again 5 points off per missing assignment


Solutions to Lightwaves practice problems

Here is a link to solutions to Unit 14A practice problems


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

AP Special Relativity

Here is the link to version 14 of the notes. They should be okay to about page 14. The version of Word I have at school produces some unreadable equations so I'll have to do all my editing at home. Just another 8 or so pages to go.


All, see revised project Post

See post on projects, its been revised

Honors and Mathematical Homework

Read Notes on Geometrical Optics, first page then converging ( concave) mirrors and converging (convex) lens. There will be a reading quiz on this on Friday.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

All students Project Proposals REVISED

Project Proposals are due Wednesday May 21. You may have up to 3 people on your team, 4 only if an official study group. You must build something. Kits built simply by following directions are not acceptable. The project must demonstrate some interesting physics. You must explain in poster or report or computer presentation how and why it works.

For honors and mathematical should represent 15 hours of effort or more per person. For AP 20 hours or more since we will use some class time. It will be judged on how much learning it demonstrates, how much it can teach, and the overall quality of the project. If you finish it early and can present it to the class, this will boost your grade.

Light Waves errata

1) There is an error on the Unit 14 A problem sheet answers. The light passing through a polarizing sheet at 150% to the axis of the light is 87% not 50%

2) Honors: The answer in the back of the book to problem 9 Chapt 16 is low by a facto of 2 . For the first dark fringe d sin theta = lambda/2

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mathematical and Honors Lots of stuff

1) There will be no tests on days when many students will be missing for APs. There will be a test for mathematical on light, mostly interference phenomena, on Thursday.

2) Whenever light is described as say 650 nm with no further information about it, it means the wavelength in a vacuum ( or air) is 650 nm. ( Don't forget nano means 10 to the -9 power or EE-9 on your calculator).

3) There is an error on the practice sheet. Problem 4 should read 660nm not 600 nm.

4) Congratulations to mathematical class on their performance on the Lightwaves Quiz. I can't review or return the quiz until all the makeups are in.

Friday, May 9, 2008

AP Solutions and last Sample Free response

Here are answers to last nights 36-70 multiple choice questions, FR 2007 5-7, and your last practice FR test. All of this is due in Tuesday as all AP practice materials provided to you  including whatever you downloaded from this site.

Make sure you get adequate rest and wake up well before the test so you will be alert. Alertness and understanding are better than cramming in some more memorization.

Good luck and remember you are smart.



FR2007Solns5-7.PDF Note that for some reason I read the pressure as 4.5 E5 Pa instead of the 4.0 E5 that was in the problem so my answers on force and work are wrong by 4.5/4 and for volume by 4/4.5.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

AP Solutions

A few students have still failed to take FR 2007 problems 5-7. Rather than give them zeroes, I will postpone posting the solutions until tomorrow at 2:30. I am posting solutions for FR 2003, FR 2004, and MP 5 tonight.

NOTE that there may be an occasional careless error in some of my solutions, so focus on the ideas and methods, not on the numbers.




AP Assignments

I am missing practice tests from some of you.  Every test missing by Tuesday morning is 5 points off the quarter grade. Check with me tomorrow to find out if you have a problem.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

AP Solutions etc

Here are FR 2007 1-4 and MC 6. FR 2007 5-7 and FR 2003 and other MCs are coming. In the mean time, Tests tomorrow and Friday and reviews before and after school. Let me know about Monday!



All material must be returned after the exam including downloads other than FR questions.

AP review Monday

You must email me whether or not you plan to be in Monday AM and tell me if and when (periods or time) you will be in.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Revised AP Homework More Urgent

I posted the scoring guide instead of the test. It does give you some idea of what the scoring looks like but please dispose of it.  You were meant to get the test not the scoring guide. Here is the test.


Honors and Mathematical Link to 14 A Problem Sheet

Here is the link to this Unit's Problem Sheet


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Honors and Mathematical Schedules for Unit 14A Lightwaves

Here are links to schedules and to notes on geometrical optics that you will need for the next Unit ( 14B). The notes for this Unit are in a post from earlier today.





All students Light and Physical Optics

Here is the link to notes about light and how it behaves as electromagnetic waves. 

NOTE AP students this is an update so you must download this.


AP FR 2000 and Modern Physics

Here are links for Modern Physics problems and for FR 2000 solutions. The solutions will be removed soon.  I am not crazy about the problem sheet but do the problems  AND make sure you read the notes and summary on Modern Physics. There will be a short quiz some time this week!

Note that for problem 7  it is E = vB as written in the solution set. I think I might have said something different in class in the rush at the end of the period.



Friday, May 2, 2008

AP MC #4

Please return all copies of AP MC #4 on Monday

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Mathematical Homework


1) Turn in your magnetics problem sheet and worksheet homework tomorrow or you will be reading from the text in class in the future.

2) You must be essentially up to date on homework by Friday May 9 of risk failing for the quarter.

All overdue labs are now zeros.

AP FR Homework

If you received a yellow packet, it is assembled from several years and focuses on mechanics. Do it all just the same