Tuesday, May 27, 2008


1) Everyone reports to 1st period class

2) Those not attending Great Adventure unless you teacher has told you otherwise, follow your schedule EXCEPT physics class. The room number you go to for physics may be announced or will be posted on the door to 506.

3) Those attending: go to 1st period, wait for the announcement. Then board your bus as follows:

Bus #6 All second period plus Travis, Amanda, Tucker and Olivia

Bus # 7 All remaining 4 period, all 6th period, all 8th period

4) Rules

You MUST be on your same ASSIGNED bus to and from Great Adventure

Be back on bus NO LATER than 2:45 or Saturday detentions

Be safe

Do assigned rides in chosen groups

Always travel with at least one buddy

Any trouble find a Ridge teacher or nurse at the fountain

park food in the locker (get your hand stamped before you pass through gate)

keep your kits

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