Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Even more about Wednesday

All of you, read through the introductory material in the packet about force, acceleration, etc.

Those not going: First get packet from door to 506. One activity ( your choice of the 3 in the packet) is required, 2nd can replace worst lab, 3rd can get you up to 15 pts extra credit.
Period 2 go to room 531
Period 4 room 534
Period 6 532
Period 7 534
Period 8 534

Those going: same deal as those not i.e. one activity ( your choice of the ones in your group packet ) is required, 2nd can replace worst lab, 3rd can get you up to 15 pts extra credit.
You'll get packets including angle and acceleration devices on the bus. Read through the material so you'll know what and how to measure for each activity on each ride. Bring pens and index cards for data taking.

6th period groups:

#1 Katie, Ann, Rijul
#2 Peter, Parsa, Nicole
#3 Alex, Rebecca, Isha ( nice concert tonight ladies), Anita
#4 Garrett, dan, Ryan, Kuba
#4 Andrew, Jane, Sydney

8th period groups
#1 Marissa, Danielle, Kristen, and Alex, ( boy that's some group)
#2 Ashley, Ryan, Tara
#3 Spud,Peter, Evan
#4 Walker, Ray ( outstanding concert tonight you two) , Nick

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