Monday, May 19, 2008

Important Deadlines

1) Honors and mathematical: Refraction Lab due today, late tomorrow (Tuesday); DOA Wednesday.

Lab report should:

 state purpose e.g verify ratio between sines of angles is near constant because it is = to ratio of speeds and therefore inverse ratio of indexes (indices is the correct plural) of refraction and to find index for glass.

Procedure: describe what you did, how did you get the lines, what angles did you measure

Error Analysis: not sighting lines properly, mis-measuring angles ( very common on many of the labs I checked)

Conclusion : was ratio of sines constant, what was resulting n for glass assuming  N air =1

2) AP Exam Perp homework: get them in to me by Wednesday morning the latest, label which are late and which were done by 5/12. You are on your honor.

3) All students project proposals due by class time Wednesday

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